
This is an old revision of the document!

Music by AB Forum Members

This small addon to the “Creations” category allow you to find the tracks of a given member published on different places in the Internet. If you would like to share your compositions with others please add yourself and your links to the list. In case of question or suggestion please write in this topic.

If you have trouble adding yourself to the list, please feel free to send me a private message (including links and possible description) I will add an entry to the list. Cheers :)

1. Log in in the upper-right corner to the Wiki using the same login and password as for the forum.
2. Click on the right side of the pencil symbol [edit this page]
3. Copy (in editor window) the line with someone else's entry and paste it where you want to appear, according to your forum nickname.
4. Edit the entry that matches your data.
5. Confirm at the bottom with the SAVE button.

| [[|FORUM_NICK]] | [[|Youtube]] , [[|SoundCloud]] , [[|Bandcamp]] , [[|Spotify]] | EXAMPLE_DESCRIPTION |

Here you can find also formatting syntax.

Profile Links Description
Aletheia BandCamp, Youtube Experimental, Ambient, Folk Instruments
branis (Dalek dan) Youtube, Spotify Electro Pop
Cuscolima SoundCloud
Dakti Website Tracks made in Garageband and Auxy
drcongo (Fast Ghost) Bandcamp Fast Ghost is my new project
DrYes Bandcamp I recommend “XmasX2” song recorded in Cubasis 3
JanKun SoundCloud
LinearLineman SoundCloud, BandCamp Improvised Compositions
McM SoundCloud
peanut_gallery SoundCloud Eclectic Electric Cinematic Synthy Pop
Pxlhg Soundcloud Various Noisy Attempts
Richtowns Youtube, SoundCloud iPad AV playground
swfarrington (No Emis) Bandcamp, SoundCloud Experimental Electropop, some classical stuff as well, all done with iOS synths
TimRussell SoundCloud
  • wiki/music_by_ab_forum_members.1618344123.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/04/14 06:02
  • by cuscolima