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Mozaic: Scripting Tips & Tricks

<html><p align = “right”><small><i>From -ki</i></small></p></html> Each variable in Mozaic is in fact an array with a maximum of 1024 elements. Scripting often needs two dimensional arrays, but the variables only offer one dimensional access.

Its is very easy to 'fold' two or more dimensions into a normal array if the row length is fixed:

  xMax = 16

  x = 2
  y = 5
  value = 42

  // write the value to position x,y : 
  twoDimStorage[ x + xMax *y] = value

Retrieval of values is done using the same folding:

  // retrieve value from 5,3
  x = 5
  y = 3
  value =   twoDimStorage[ x + xMax *y ]

Mozaics array length is limited to 1024, so 32×32 just fits - but 128×16 (often needed in midi programming) doesn‘t.

There is a single two dimensional array in Mozaic that fits this dimensions, the note state array. Since it is special, there are separate functions:

  ResetNoteState initValue         // Fills all 16x128 elements with the given value
  SetNoteState row, column, value  // Sets a value
  value = GetNoteState row, colum  // Retrieves the value

There is only one array of this kind, but sometimes you Need to store multiple values. In such a case, its possible to fold these values into a single value - see the tricks below:

<html><p align = “right”><small><i>From -ki</i></small></p></html>

The above folding can be expanded to multiple dimension, here an example for a 3 dimensional array folded into one dimensions:

  array[x + xMax * y + xMax*yMax *z] = value

Since Mozaic arrays are limited to 1024 elements, xMax * yMax * zMax needs to be less or equal 1024.

<html><p align = “right”><small><i>From -ki</i></small></p></html> It is possible to store two positive values in a single variable if their product is less than 16.777.216 and they both have a known maximum value.

  offset = 1000  // Maximum value for B plus one
  valA   = 723   // allowed range 0 .. ~16000
  varB   = 124   // allowed range 0 .. 999
  combinedValue = valA * offset + valB

To later extract the values from their packed format use

  valA = RoundDown combinedValue / offset
  valB = combinedValue % offset

<html><p align = “right”><small><i>From <a href=“”>espiegel123 @ Audiobus Forum </a></i></small></p></html>

Storing of 3 unsigned bytes (J,K & L, each with the range of 0-255) into a single 24bit integer can be done by using the packing formular:

combinedValue = (J * 0x10000) + (K * 0x100) + (L)

This would pack the bytes 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC into the combined value 0xAABBCC

To unpack, you mask off the parts you don't want and then divide to shift things over. Mozaic has an Integer AND that you can use for masking things. Its operator is &.

To mask, use zero in the bytes you don't want and FF in the byte you want. For example, to turn 0xAACC into 0xAA00, do 0xAACC & 0xFF00. Now we can divide by 0x100 to shift our byte to the right two place. 0xAA00/0x100 = 0xAA

Dividing the masked numbers by 0x10000 will shift hex numbers four digits to the right and dividing by 0x100 will shift them two. So, 0xAA0000/0x10000 = 0xAA

If you want the middle byte of 0xAABBCC, do this 0xAABBCC & 0x00FF00, you end up with 0xBB00 divide the result by 0x100 to get 0xBB

You don't need the leading zeros, but I think it makes the code more understandable.

J = (combinedValue & 0xFF0000) / 0x10000 
K = (combinedValue & 0x00FF00) / 0x100
L = (combinedValue & 0x0000FF)

<html><p align = “right”><small><i>From -ki</i></small></p></html>

  • Its helpfull to add the version number right into the title label.
    And also add this version number to the script title and patchname if uploaded / updated on PatchStorage so that script-users can notice the version change.
  • Add a short name to set the icon name. This helps when a project contains multiple Mozaic instances with different scripts
  • Visually unclutter the scripts gui
    • Clear all unused title and knob labels by setting it to empty { }
    • Position all knobs to 0
    • Position the XY to 0,0
  ShowLayout 0
  SetShortName {DUMMY}
  LabelPads { }
  LabelKnobs {My Dummy Script     v0.1}
  LabelXY { }
  for _knob = 0 to 9
    LabelKnob _knob, { }
    SetKnobValue _knob,0
  SetXYValues 0,0

<html><p align = “right”><small><i>From -ki</i></small></p></html> You can force multiline pad labels by adding space-filled substrings.

  • There must be enough spaces to fill the rest of the current line
  • Too many spaces don't hinder, since mozaic will discard them infront of a new output line - this helps if the text infront of a line break has variable length
  • You can't force an empty line between two lines
  • One can use 14 dashes to split the pad into two labels. Don't forget the space infront and behind the dashes, its needed for line-break
  LabelPad 0,{Line 1},{                     },{Line 2}
  LabelPad 1,{Upper},{ -------------- },{Lower}

<html><p align = “right”><small><i>From -ki</i></small></p></html>

My Sample Plugin

This description will be shown on the HELP page. Longer
texts are possible, as the description box is scrollable.

  mainLayout = 0
  showsHelp = NO

  ShowLayout mainLayout
  LabelKnobs {My Plugin                  SHIFT to help}

  if showsHelp  
    ShowLayout mainLayout
    LabelKnobs {My Plugin                  SHIFT to help}
    ShowLayout 4
    LabelKnobs {SHIFT to main}
  showsHelp = not showsHelp

<html><p align = “right”><small><i>From -ki</i></small></p></html>

This script snippet is only applicable for the 16 pads layout (2) as this the only layout where the knobs 0-3 are at the same screen position as on the HELP page.

My Sample Plugin
This description will be shown on the HELP page. 

  ShowLayout 2
  SetKnobValue 3,0
  LabelKnob 3,{HELP}

  if LastKnob = 3
    ShowLayout 2 + 2* ( (GetKnobValue LastKnob ) >= 64)   
  • mozaic_tips_and_tricks.1578823841.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/01/12 21:10
  • by _ki