Mozaic: Scripting Tips & Tricks

This wiki page contains programming tips & tricks for Mozaic

NoteOn Velocity 0 Special Case

From -ki

The Midi Spec allows to use a NoteOn command with velocity zero instead of a NoteOff command. If this combination is received by Mozaic, this midi command is automatically converted to 
NoteOff vel 0 - even for the @OnMidiInput event and when checking MidiByte1.

Therefore scripts don‘t need to check for this ‚NoteOn Vel 0‘ case, as that special case is handled by Mozaic. Even when using MidiThrough, an incomming ‚NoteOn Vel 0‘ command will be converted to ‚NoteOff Vel 0‘

Two dimensional Arrays

From -ki

Each variable in Mozaic is in fact an array with a maximum of 1024 elements. Scripting often needs two dimensional arrays, but the variables only offer one dimensional access.

Its is very easy to 'fold' two or more dimensions into a normal array if the row length is fixed:

  xMax = 16

  x = 2
  y = 5
  value = 42

  // write the value to position x,y : 
  twoDimStorage[ x + xMax *y] = value

Retrieval of values is done using the same folding:

  // retrieve value from 5,3
  x = 5
  y = 3
  value =   twoDimStorage[ x + xMax *y ]

Mozaics array length is limited to 1024, so 32×32 just fits - but 128×16 (often needed in midi programming) doesn‘t.

There is a single two dimensional array in Mozaic that fits this dimensions, the note state array. Since it is special, there are separate functions:

  ResetNoteState initValue         // Fills all 16x128 elements with the given value
  SetNoteState row, column, value  // Sets a value
  value = GetNoteState row, colum  // Retrieves the value

There is only one array of this kind, but sometimes you Need to store multiple values. In such a case, its possible to fold these values into a single value - see the tricks below:

Multi dimensional Arrays

From -ki

The above folding can be expanded to multiple dimension, here an example for a 3 dimensional array folded into one dimensions:

  array[x + xMax * y + xMax*yMax *z] = value

Since Mozaic arrays are limited to 1024 elements, xMax * yMax * zMax needs to be less or equal 1024.

Store two positive Values into a single Variable

From -ki

It is possible to store two positive values in a single variable if their product is less than 16.777.216 and they both have a known maximum value.

  maxA = 1000  // Maximum value for A plus one
  valA = 723   // allowed range 0 .. 999
  varB = 124   // allowed range 0 .. ~16000
  combinedValue = valA + (valB * maxA) 

For single-byte MIDI values, use 128 for maxA

To later extract the values from their packed format use

  valA = combinedValue % maxA
  valB = Div combinedValue, maxA

Store three unsigned Bytes into a single Variable

Storing of 3 unsigned bytes (J,K & L, each with the range of 0-255) into a single 24bit integer can be done by using the packing formular:

combinedValue = (J * 0x10000) + (K * 0x100) + (L)

This would pack the bytes 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC into the combined value 0xAABBCC

To unpack, you mask off the parts you don't want and then divide to shift things over. Mozaic has an Integer AND that you can use for masking things. Its operator is &.

To mask, use zero in the bytes you don't want and FF in the byte you want. For example, to turn 0xAACC into 0xAA00, do 0xAACC & 0xFF00. Now we can divide by 0x100 to shift our byte to the right two place. 0xAA00/0x100 = 0xAA

Dividing the masked numbers by 0x10000 will shift hex numbers four digits to the right and dividing by 0x100 will shift them two. So, 0xAA0000/0x10000 = 0xAA

If you want the middle byte of 0xAABBCC, do this 0xAABBCC & 0x00FF00, you end up with 0xBB00 divide the result by 0x100 to get 0xBB

You don't need the leading zeros, but I think it makes the code more understandable.

J = (combinedValue & 0xFF0000) / 0x10000 
K = (combinedValue & 0x00FF00) / 0x100
L = (combinedValue & 0x0000FF)

Output Fixed Point Values in Labels

From -ki

When outputting floating point values into labels (knobs, pads, titles) Moazic generates either a 4 digit fraction string like 42.5000 (if a remainder present) or an integer value without fraction.

To always output a positive float with two digits (even when integer), one needs to split the input value and output the computed integer parts individually:

  n = Round value * 100
  f = Div n, 100
  d = n-f*100
  r1 = Div d, 10
  r2 = d % 10
  LabelKnob 0, {B:},f,{.},r1,r2

To always output a negative and positive float with a single digit, the split needs to work on the absolute value and a conditional statement is used to output both variants:

  n = Round Abs(value * 10)
  f = Div n, 10
  r = (n-f*10) % 10
  if value >=0
    LabelKnob 1, {N: +},f,{.},r
    LabelKnob 1, {N: },f,{.},r

Some Best Practice Tips

From -ki

  ShowLayout 0
  SetShortName {DUMMY}
  LabelPads { }
  LabelKnobs {My Dummy Script     v0.1}
  LabelXY { }
  for _knob = 0 to 9
    LabelKnob _knob, { }
    SetKnobValue _knob,0
  SetXYValues 0,0

About State-Saving

From -ki

All assigned variables of a script are automatically included in a saved preset and restored when reloading. To not overwrite them, use the

  if Unassigned channel
    channel = 10
    bank = 1

construct in the scripts OnLoad that only set the default value if a script is freshly run using ‚Upload‘. If reloaded (and therefor some value is already assigned to ‚channel‘ ) the initialization block is skipped.

Mozaic stores some more more information in the presets/session and restores them when reloading:

Things not restored during session reload:

Detect Long or Short Pad Taps

From wim

  FillArray downStart,0,16
  pressTime = 250

  downStart[LastPad] = SystemTime

  pad = LastPad
  if SystemTime - downStart[pad] < pressTime
    Log {Short tap pad }, pad
    Log {Long tap pad }, pad

Detect Long or Short SHIFT Button Taps

From wim

  shiftStart = 0
  pressTime  = 250

  shiftStart = SystemTime

  if SystemTime - shiftStart < pressTime
    Log {Short tap SHIFT}
    Log {Long  tap SHIFT}

Multi-Line Pad Labels

From -ki

You can force multiline pad labels by adding space-filled substrings.

  LabelPad 0,{Line 1},{                     },{Line 2}
  LabelPad 1,{Upper},{ -------------- },{Lower}

Dynamic Letters for Labeling

From -ki

The NoteName function of Moazic can be used to dynamically output the letters A-G inside the label string definitions of Knobs, Pads or Logs. This allows to construct labels like ‚Bank A‘ to ‚Bank D‘, or ‚Preset A-1‘ to ‚Preset F-8‘.

  ShowLayout 2
  ABCDEFG   = [9,11,0,2,4,5,7]

  for i = 0 to 15
    row = 1 + (i>7)
    id  = i%8
    if (id < 7)
      LabelPad i, {Pad },(NoteName ABCDEFG[id],NO),{     },{Row },row

Use the SHIFT Button to toggle to HELP View

From -ki

My Sample Plugin

This description will be shown on the HELP page. Longer
texts are possible, as the description box is scrollable.

  mainLayout = 0
  showsHelp = NO

  ShowLayout mainLayout
  LabelKnobs {My Plugin                  SHIFT to help}

  if showsHelp  
    ShowLayout mainLayout
    LabelKnobs {My Plugin                  SHIFT to help}
    ShowLayout 4
    LabelKnobs {SHIFT to main}
  showsHelp = not showsHelp

Use a Knob to toggle 16 Pads View to HELP View

From -ki

This script snippet is only applicable for the 16 pads layout (2) as this the only layout where the knobs 0-3 are at the same screen position as on the HELP page.

My Sample Plugin
This description will be shown on the HELP page. 

  ShowLayout 2
  SetKnobValue 3,0
  LabelKnob 3,{HELP}

  if LastKnob = 3
    ShowLayout 2 + 2* ( (GetKnobValue LastKnob ) >= 64)   

Knob double-tap Support

From -ki

The value returned from GetKnobValue is a floating point number, usually it will contain non-zero decimal places when the knob is turned manually. If double tapped the knob-value is set to 64 exactly. This tip exploits the fact, that is very unlikely to manually dial in exactly 64.0000 - if such a knob value is returned, then the knob has probably been double-tapped.

If a knob is only used to toggle between two states like a switch (like the variable isOn in the example), the code for double-tap detection would look like:

  _knob = LastKnob
  _val  = GetKnobValue _knob
  if _knob = TOGGLE_KNOB
    if _val = 64
      isOn = not isOn
      SetKnobValue TOGGLE_KNOB,48 + 32*isOn
      isOn = _val > 64  
    if isOn
      LabelKnob TOGGLE_KNOB,  {ON}
      LabelKnob TOGGLE_KNOB,  {OFF}

  ShowLayout 2
  LabelPads {Knob Double-Tap Demo }
  LabelKnobs {Toggle with Double-Tap}
  for _knob = 0 to 3
    SetKnobValue _knob,0
    LabelKnob _knob,  { }
  if Unassigned isOn
    isOn = NO  
  SetKnobValue TOGGLE_KNOB,48 + 32*isOn
  if isOn
    LabelKnob TOGGLE_KNOB,  {ON}
    LabelKnob TOGGLE_KNOB,  {OFF}

The script snippet also features

Remove or add an entry inside an array

From -ki

Instead of running through an array with a FOR loop to shift entries to either insert or remove an intermedeate enry, it is way faster to use the CopyArray Mozaic function:

 CopyArray source, dest, size

Remove an entry of an array (shift left)

  for i=0 to 6
    a[i] = i
  Log {Before },a[0],{ },a[1],{ },a[2],{ },a[3],{ },a[4],{ },a[5],{ },a[6]

  // Remove entry a[2] by left shift of the following entries
  CopyArray a[3], a[2], 6
  Log {After  },a[0],{ },a[1],{ },a[2],{ },a[3],{ },a[4],{ },a[5],{ },a[6]

Insert an entry into array (shift right)

Due to the inner working of CopyArray, the above trick doesn‘t work for right shifts - but one can use a temporary array to be more efficient than iterating over the array:

  for i=0 to 6
    a[i] = i
  Log {Before  },a[0],{ },a[1],{ },a[2],{ },a[3],{ },a[4],{ },a[5],{ },a[6]

  // Insert a new a[2]
  CopyArray a[2], _tmp, 6
  CopyArray _tmp, a[3], 6  
  a[2] = 9
  Log {After   },a[0],{ },a[1],{ },a[2],{ },a[3],{ },a[4],{ },a[5],{ },a[6]

Using Logic Operators in Expressions instead of IF cases

From -ki

Boolean expressions compute to either 1 or 0, which are the internal values for TRUE/FALSE or YES/NO. Using this behavior in expressions allows to get rid of some IFs, but on the other hand makes the script a bit more complicated to read and understand for novices.

Instead of the lengthy

  // showHelp  is a boolean with the values YES/NO or TRUE/FALSE

  If showHelp
    ShowLayout 4
    ShowLayout 2

On can write

  ShowLayout 2 + 2*showHelp


Here second example where in the 22 knob layout the left most 8 knobs of both rows are used as channel knobs for channels 1 to 16. Since there are 11 knobs per row, the channel computed for the lower row needs to be adjusted:

  chan = LastKnob + 1
  If LastKnob >= 8
    chan = chan - 3

This can be written shorter as:

  chan = LastKnob +1 - 3*(LastKnob>=8)

Using Inc and Dec in Expressions

From -ki

TheOriginalPaulB discovered that Inc and Dec are working as functions. Both Inc and Dec are ‚pre-increment‘ operations like ++var in C, as the function returns the already incremented value. This allows for several interesting language constructs:

In case of a ring buffer index, one could use

  index = (Inc index) % 64

instead of the longer construct

  Inc index
  index = index % 64

Sometimes this trick is also applicable in array initialization, but one has to compensate for the pre-increment.

  idx = -1
  for i = 10 to 19
    array[Inc idx] = 2*i

The example fills array[0] to array[9] with the values 20 to 38. To compensate for pre-increment, idx needs to start at -1 since it will be incremented to zero on first usage

It is also possible to construct a post-increment operation by using the inc in the expression itself, but discarding it using multiplication with 0:

  idx = 0
  for i = 10 to 19
    array[idx] = 2*i  + 0*(Inc idx)

Calculate Standard Chords from a Root Note

From wim

This is a compact way to build standard chords from just a root note. It turns out that for standard western scales such as Major, Minor, Dorian, Phrygian, etc, normal chord notes can be found by starting at the root and counting up in steps of three semitones then quantizing up to the next scale tone. Repeat this for the number of notes you want in the chord (triad (3), seventh (4), ninth (5), eleventh (6), 13th (7).

Here’s a code snippet that efficiently creates a chord of “notes” degree from an incoming MIDI Note. Code to do something with that array would obviously have to be added.

  //set “notes” to the number of notes wanted in the chord before this event triggers!
  chordNotes[0] = ScaleQuantize MIDINote
  for i = 1 to (notes - 1)
    chordNotes[i] = ScaleQuantize chordNotes[i-1] + 3

Include Snippets

From -ki

On PatchStorage you can find several 'Include Snippets' that cover specific programming problems and that are intended to be appended your own scipt code.

The snippets can be seen as 'well tested library functions'. For the current available include snippets, you copy their main code to the end of you script and call one or two initialization event functions in your @OnLoad. The snippet in turn will later call event that you need to define in your code (callbacks). All of the current available snippets need a timer event to do their work, the snippets are coded in a way that allows to also to work with a timer event that you defined in your script.

I tried to make them as 'developer-friendly' as possible and also did extensive testing on each of them. The documentation wiki pages show the snippets source at the bottom since its easier to read on the wiki than inside Mozaic.

PatchStorage Wiki OnLoad Other Callbacks Info
Pad & Shift Manager Documentation optional vars
one call
- 2 Detect single-/double-/triple-tap and hold interactions for pads or shift
Active Notes Tracker Documentation optional var
one call
note-on / note-off
- Manages a list of active notes, velocities and durations for each channel
Migration Manager Documentation two calls - 4 Migrate script parameters between different script versions