Loopy Pro: Direct MIDI Between Two iOS_Devices

It is possible to establish a wired MIDI connection between two iOS/iPadOS devices with a regular charging cable and a USB hub. This is not Loopy specific and seems not to be well-known. All you need is a USB hub connected to one of the devices (which will require the Apple USB Camera adapter/CCK on Lightning-equipped devices) and the normal USB charging cable for the other.

Set this up by doing the following.

When first setting this up, it is advisable to use a MIDI monitor (the free mfx Monitor is shown in the picture) to confirm that MIDI is being received.

To Use MidiMttr

To use midimttr to act as a go-between:

midimttr set up and ready to go.

USB Connectivity Enabled

NOTE: If you go to midimttr's USB tab, it will show DISCONNECTED even when things are set up correctly. You can ignore this.