====== App Store Icon ====== It may be useful to use the Apple App Store icon for links to the App Store to disambiguate them from other links. A version of the blue App Store icon is in the wiki's media library as appstoreblue.png. {{:appstoreblue.png|}} To include a 30-pixel square version on your page use this text {{appstoreblue.png?30|}}. You can also add it to your pages by choosing it from the wiki's media library using the wiki editor's Add Images tool. To use the icon for a link to an App Store link, use something like the following: TheAppName[[theAppStoreLink|{{:appstoreblue.png?30|}}]] For example: Loopy HD[[https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/loopy-hd/id467923185?mt=8|{{:appstoreblue.png?30|}}]] {{tag> wiki_authoring}}