====== Scythe Synthesizer ====== 2020: renamed to WaveStorm and some new features and AUv3 added. An Audiobus-compatible IAA wavetable synthesizer from BitMask Studio. There is also a different synth from another developer called Scythe. **App type**: App **App store link**: [[https://apps.apple.com/us/app/scythe-synthesizer/id1278439277 |{{:appstoreblue.png?30|}}]] **Developer**: [[https://www.bitmaskstudio.com/scythe |Bitmask Studio]] **Developer AB Forum Handle**: ===== Additional Info ===== The developer’s original YouTube videos are no longer available. ===== Tips & Tricks ===== ===== Scythe Wavetables ===== Scythe wavetables contain up to 256 single-cycle waveforms which you might think of as slices or frames. ===== Audio to Wavetable Conversion ===== Scythe can create wavetables from audio imported from AudioShare. The maximum number of waveforms per wavetable is 256. Scythe uses a proprietary algorithm for analyzing audio and converting the audio to a wavetable. There is not a fixed ratio of audio duration to wavetable frame. The spectral (harmonic) complexity of the sound influences the conversion. I have had 1 second long sound that resulted in a full 256 frame wavetable and another sound whose 2.8 seconds resulted in 254 frames. When I imported a 220Hz sine wave, the frames (waveforms) were very close (if not precisely), two cycles wide. Jarryd Hall, Scythe's creator, had this to share about the audio-to-wavetable generation: //The engine works with its own file format and audio is processed in a way that works with the synthesis engine, generated specifically for the synthesis algorithms being used. Each wavetable can hold up to 256 (2^8) waves, with each wave containing 1024 (2^10) samples. The processing is done using a few combined techniques and mainly focuses on frequency, where low-mid frequency sounds or sounds containing the most frequency changes generate the best wavetables. The generated wave is heavily dependent on spectral content. Scythe doesn't work as a sampler/wavescanner.// ===== Videos ===== Overview from Pants of Death: {{youtube>PBvrhk860h0?medium|App Overview by Pants of Death}} Sound Test Room Overview {{youtube>BGIL0RJcG4k?medium|The Sound Test Room Overview}} **Videos from the developer:** **These developer videos are no longer available because the YouTube channel has been closed.** {{youtube>2tKpLQrMcpA?medium|App Overview}}    {{youtube>0bx6DeTzl9s|Preview 1}}    {{youtube>bGFMvs_Kt_U|Preview 2}}    {{youtube>C5Whes8X3Vc|Preview 3}}    {{youtube>XJrFv35K1MQ|In Depth Guide and Tutorial}}    {{youtube>/YJY-XeJfVdM|Wavetable Creator Overview}}    {{youtube>YJY-XeJfVdM|Scythe wavetable editor video}} ===== Audio Tracks ===== Here are some audio tracks that prominently feature Scythe Synth Glytch -- an all Scythe Synth Track: {{url>https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/610078449&color=%23ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true 600,140}} Myangar In the Mist -- gentle Scythe solo improv -- the wavetable was generated from a vocal sample: {{url>https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/605590776&color=%23ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true 600,140}}    {{tag> Scythe_Synth wavetable synthesizer}}