====== MIDI Designer Pro 2 ====== MIDI Designer Pro 2 allows building of custom MIDI control surfaces. **App type**: App **App store link**: [[https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/midi-designer-pro-2/id492291712?mt=8|{{:appstoreblue.png?30|}}]] **Developer**: [[http://mididesigner.com|Confusion Studios LLC ]] **Developer AB Forum Handle**: @MIDIDesigner ===== Additional Info ===== * The scripting language found in the [[:streambyter|StreamByter]] AU MIDI processor plugin is available as an In-App Purchase in MIDI Designer Pro 2. * [[https://mididesigner.com/community/|MIDI Designer Community-Sourced Layouts]] - a large and ever expanding collection of user made layouts. * [[http://mididesigner.com/wiki/doku.php/manual:10_intro|User Guide and Reference Manual]] == Tags == {{tag>stub unreviewed}}